Tag: bern jazz festival

June Update


I just returned from a trip that included my first European gig. I was recently in Bern, Switzerland from May 12-19, where I performed at the Bern Jazz Festival with the Filip Novosel Quartet. We had a great time and audiences were very enthusiastic! Recordings can be found here. While I was visiting my family in Austria, I also participated in the 2013 Marianne Mendt Jazznachwuchs Wettbewerb, with results coming soon.

This summer, I am back in the Twin Cities, where I am working as a rehearsal pianist for the St. Anthony Community Theatre. I will also be performing at the Artists’ Quarter on July 17 at 9pm with Ted Olsen and Pete Hennig. You can find the recordings from our last gig (March 29 at Jazz Central) in the sidebar.